Top 10 Tuesday: Books I’ve Read With The Best Banter

Time for another Top 10 Tuesday on a Thursday because I kept debating whether to do this week’s prompt or not and then ran out of time…again!

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl.

The original prompt was to list the Top 10 Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With. That got me thinking about all of the amazing characters I admire for their strength, courage, friendships and love interests and to be totally honest, while there are several such characters I would love to switch places with, I actually wouldn’t because it’s not all good.

I read a lot of fantasy and romantic suspense and you know what comes with that? So much death, destruction, fighting, danger, etc. etc. I love to read the stories but actually being in Aelin or Feyre’s place where the whole world’s safety rests on my shoulders? Nope. They’re doing amazingly well. They deserve all the good things in life. Don’t want to take their place.

So I’m going to list the top 10 books that kept me hooked with the banter whether it’s witty or charming or naughty or hilarious or just plain adorable.

1. Mr. Perfect by Linda Howard

Jaine and Sam have the most hilarious exchanges – well, hilarious for me, naughty and frustrating for them. But so much fun!

2. In Death series by JD Robb (AKA Nora Roberts) 

The In Death books are full of intelligent banter, whether it’s between Eve and Roarke or Eve and Delia or just any two characters.

3. Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas

Aelin is one sassy character. I always enjoy reading Aelin and Rowan’s interactions – the sassiness, the exasperation, the pure unadulterated love and affection despite it all.

4. A Court of Thorns & Roses series by Sarah J Maas

I read these early last year so it’s been a while but I loved Feyre and Rhysand’s secret conversations through the bond. I was grinning and/or blushing throughout!

5. Midnight Rainbow by Linda Howard

You’ll see several Linda Howard books on this list because her heroines are just so quirky, sassy, independent and the heroes so the opposite that it’s wonderful seeing them clash. Jane and Grant are no different in Midnight Rainbow.

6. Blair Mallory series by Linda Howard

Not really a series, just a duology, but Blair and Wyatt are Relationship Goals! And that carries into their conversations too – how they keep trying to outwit each other but also find a way to understand and get through their differences together.

7. Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

This one is my favorite of the Shatter Me trilogy (haven’t read Restore Me yet) – I LOVED all the scenes with Juliette and Warner and oh, the Kenji scenes are pure gold! They’ll make you laugh or smile at the cuteness and keep turning pages!

8. Dying To Please by Linda Howard

A lady butler who is actually a bodyguard and a detective – they’re pretty evenly matched and have exciting interactions. This was the first Linda Howard book I ever read and I was hooked. I’m so close to finishing all her books (at least the ones I own, about 70% probably).

9. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

This was my first ever fairytale retelling, sci-fi fantasy and YA series that I absolutely loved after years of not reading anything other than Harry Potter/Twilight (just the first one, don’t hold that against me!) and Princess Diaries. The Lunar Chronicles series not only has a most engrossing plot, but the cast of characters is so amazing and smart that the conversations are really entertaining! Especially with Captain Thorne around. And Iko.

10. The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

These are not your average, light or easy reads but I enjoyed them! To be honest, I don’t think I fully understood everything completely on my first readthrough of this series but what made them so enjoyable and quick to read (apart from the slow-burning romance) was the easy, witty banter. I’ll be rereading this series soon!

So those were my top 10 books or series that kept me turning pages because of the excellent and captivating dialogue, though I have to say books with naughty or slightly flirtatious banter are my favorites!

How did you like this post? What books did you love because of the dialogue? Have you read any of the books from my list? Talk to me in the comments below!

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